Preparing for your Admission
Your surgeon’s rooms will provide you with written information about the surgery and preparation required for the procedure you are about to undergo. This may include a review or change to your medication regimen. Changes to your medications may be necessary to better address your treatment and optimise overall treatment outcomes. Please contact your surgeon’s rooms if you are not comfortable with your medication plan or require further clarity.
It is important that you complete the Online Pre-Admission at least one week prior to your admission.
If you have not received any information from your surgeon or AOMS, please phone the hospital before your admission date.
Be sure to confirm your level of cover with your health insurance fund and ensure that your contributions are up to date.
A member of our staff will contact you at least one working day prior to your procedure, to confirm hospital admission time, fasting time if undergoing IV Sedation and any other preparations necessary for your surgery. Please use this opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns which you may have.
When undergoing IV Sedation, it is very important not to eat, drink, or chew gum before your surgery. Your will be advised when to have your last meal and drink. If you eat or drink after that time, your operation may be delayed or cancelled.
You will be provided with comprehensive post-operative care instructions on discharge from the hospital. Patients undergoing teeth extraction and/or dental implant surgery may experience some swelling. We recommend having some ice packs on hand in readiness for your post-operative care. A bag of frozen peas also works nicely.
Important: Following IV Sedation, you will also need to arrange for a carer to accompany you by private transport from the hospital and to supervise you for 24 hours after your operation.